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2011年4月18日 星期一

fine art of seasonal hope in raining moment.


repentance in peaceful night.^last night before went to bed, God shows me my self-poised crashing baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲's space. i saw his need to live unbiased and independently fresh. i saw his deep love to his dad, me. after went to bed, i found all the mistakes the rain he made was in fact my fault, my unable to accompany him to game and fun finding. i saw my too proactive a fake cause to stay with him, Hope of China, God of Universe, full heart and full time. on bed i pray God to let baby know my repentance at once while i can't buzz him for too late. i pray God meaningful tomorrow will bring more joys when we gather together, pray God let me less commit cheap utterance that can lead me astray.
Its a sunny morning now. God, let my mistake meaningless, restore baby son's lightening heart and pure of joy. God, forever u see all facts and definitions predated. God, bring baby son his dell game desktop, that seemingly even urgent for my acer notebook now frequently power down when gaming, likely its video card too hot. we need a sound gaming gear.


an official spring rain.^last week busy with hunting for downloadable pc games for son. also launched to backup source file of family album to google picasaweb. baby son yet recovered from cold, so his mom refused him to visit my dorm. i managed to visit him twice in the week, for joy of great games. last night i busy in my ditched office later than 8:30pm, listened music and rest in dorm lately. i let the window open when i went to bed, in dawn i woke up among rain drops' noise outside. its the largest rain so far in spring 2011, and i saw so many blisses in it. in dawn i dreamed of my college campus. Wujiang, one of my Nankai university alumni and now a professor in US, contacted a visiting faculty selling ginseng aside a lake. i was at a loss for my alumni swim skill better than mine. in the afternoon after i returned from baby's mom's house, i dozed on bed in dorm, dreamed of my past mother's affirmative love which protects me from any insane seduce. its a large rain and last so long, when i blogging here i wondered how to visit my baby son, whose house 4 bus stops from here. God, bring my son a dell game desktop as he asked. bring my girls so sweat in my heart and memory. leading me to the brighter life ahead, and more bliss in surest glory.
buzzed baby for the possible detaining by rain, but he insisted my visit. so launched after breakfast in canteen. with borrowed ¥10, i took bus then walked in drizzle and arrived. baby watching animation online, i waited aside some time, then we played pc game, a Japanese air combat. after some turns, i told baby i felt flat, asked for accomplishing my own tasks. all the day busy with uploading family album to google picasaweb, also restored his mom's notebook os from backup. baby lately engaged with watching an animation trying reiterating legend of Chinese traditional zodiac. the Made in China product quite sinister in propagation, so i quit baby and told him sins in Chinese, and everlasting seduce from demons' against the holy. i warned him be cautious on Chinese culture products, urged him less waste time on the shits, where bureaucracy is its main theme and obsession, and dirt in ordinary Chinese souls which blind from YHWH by poor quality polytheism, and sufferings as punishment for the blind. baby listened carefully, while his mom rushed to shift him away from me. i lately showered in public bathroom, returned to dorms in time for dinner. after enjoyed jog around the dorm, i sorted recent photos, then blogged till now.
God, purify baby son with saint readings, rid him off trash of traditional and new craps from PRC, or any sinister nowadays against my Empire of China ahead. God, forever powerful and holiest with son, warrenzh, Hope of China, God of Universe, God, u see it.


dreamed of past dad preparing his sons for travel.^dreamed in dawn. my past dad in good mood, preparing my 2 elder brothers and me to travel to his another workplace for trade. we all have nice parcels and baggages. kid brother and my baby son likely also enjoyed short gathering before depart. the villagers watched our launch of march with envy. Its a windy sunny morning while i missed breakfast, and i due to visit baby and entertain him with pc games now.


benzrad's comment on the day.

fool's play for world hero in PRC's doomed outreach in this century.

China losing on inconsistent with American platform, comparing booming Indian tech human force in US, and loss gaining weightily till it can't afford in future, till the last straw smashes again the bony mule drug, smuggling, forgery and tortures, ie. lawless addicted like a century ago, humiliated again against its official textbook whitewashed recent history, reveals the truth of gapping wound and vulnerable indispensable in root Chinese. China with its current fake socialism doomed to be buried in coming decade. People in the world will see PRC's barking in the corner as funny as fool's play, or dog's tail self-chase.
the world tomorrow, undebatable the one world under God's shine. glory once on US forever cherished by global citizen that's reasonable and responsible. God, one God, YHWH, clearly shows the road under Heaven ever-bright.

永中科技一周后破产清算 叫板Office成追忆


From Spring 2011 in a nut
From Spring 2011 in a nut
From homeovie2RoyalChina

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉

2011年4月7日 星期四

budding life weights.


a gloomy morning, a drizzle in afternoon and a rain in night.^Its first work day after the lunar holiday, Qingming. i joined the ditched office almost on time, to harvest downloadable games for baby son, even i hated to confront the sin on facing desk. all the morning the crap frequently overt stuck out his neck to stare at me, profaned the saint. I didn't even blink upon the sieged dirt&threats, self-possessed with tasks in executing. after the noon break i returned to dorm, napped after sorted my notebook disk. mostly its gloomy, like a prelude of sandstorm. during fixing my gtalk within gmail, i told my cyberspace friend from Taiwan that i planned to buy storage from google to store raw files from my FujiFilm camera, to endear family album more realistic. he helped me by accpet video chat invitation but never comment on my request of help on google storage plan, which doesn't support alipay, a Chinese mainstream online payment tool and my only overseas payment method now. i hope i didn't hurt friends from freedom world i wouldn't like to be separated from. God, bring us freedom of lightened hearts, shows the height and weight of human freedom of independent and friendly. God, bring me freedom of arranging my life as wished, bring my baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of site warozhu.com and wozon.net, Hope of China, God of Universe, his promised present, a dell game notebook. bring my girls into our new marriage. God!
after gamed awhile on my notebook, its started drizzling. Asoh Yukiko, in such a extraordinary blessing event, could u see my situation? could u be safe and save Japanese from their vested land now in disaster? could u determined to join me to pave new road and garden for future Japan, the fate our blood linkage means to give? God, Asoh Yukiko, i'm ready for the historic migration, opener fence for our nations Heavenly bond since my spiritual wakeup. Yes, I'm the only captain on the vessel saves. join me sooner as God lets, as u will.


dreamed of my past parents.^Today is lunar Qingming. this dawn dreamed of my past parents who saw my poor financial status. one of my teenage friend in Zhudajiu, my hometown village, Zhucaigui brought me some gifts. my parents watched me had to wait for remittance from baby's mom or my once work unit, ie. from my once work place. dad especially hope i can improve his living which so far shabby. then i got insight of devils in the village regarding my dad as their enemy. they r the 2 sons of my dad's 2nd elder brother, who died in his middle age, a neighbor who long time operated monopoly rice machine in the village, a neighbor who once a teacher in Mao's years, and long time cheap mimic of my dad's expertise and whose grandson still profaned my dad's name by mimic & mocks. this morning is sunny outside. hopeful baby's dell notebook sooner arrives. God, grant my son new dell game notebook, as my best gift in this hopeful Spring. God, dad, i wouldn't follow Chinese custom to burn printed paper bill as money in world of died, u will see the reality how well-being my Royal is to be under sunshine.


dreamed of Royal prophet.^dreamed of Empire meeting about Royal secret. the prince too young, the math teacher praised the woman likely baby's mom, and scorned me for my mind absence. the course discussed part of the fate and secret of Royal of China. late sleep till 10:48am got up. Its a beaming Monday but according lunar Calendar Chinese in PRC enjoying Qingming Festival, a time to mourn past ancestors. yesterday baby showered in public bathroom with me. he immersed in wresting with a sin, likely a middle aged man who evaded my sight when i turned back near end of my shower&caught the dirty threat rushing to slide himself into hot pool where men herds, attempted to hide his sins from my aware. baby's nose ran out a large block of blood and mucus when i put on him, i wiped with towel but first time ditched bathing pack there, found the mistake till arrived baby's mom's house. i fetched it back on my own. on way back with baby son after bought him some candy from grocery aside the public bathroom, i affirmed baby son the mighty of God, forever blissed and growing his life on the earth to witness. when i left to QRRS dorms, his mom brought him with toy bike to roam outside, where brilliant sunshine still glorifying the day, Apr 3, 2011, lunar 1st of March. God, bring baby his promised gift, a dell game notebook. bring me my blessed marriage with my girl Zhou, as well as my other girls, like Taiwan girl, girl Lü, girl Jiang, girl on train from Harbin to Qiqihar in my 2nd hometown journey, and my God, my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. grows my Royal of China in course of my coming Empire&lives its 1109 years lifespan, God.

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From homeovie2RoyalChina

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉

2011年4月2日 星期六

happiness and anxiousness interweaved.


days in bliss.^these days saw lots of beautiful girls around me, and i know my girl Zhou coming to me.baby's mom also overt talking about her new marriage, dispelled my visiting her house where i can dwell with baby with pc games. all these things moving and sorry, i mean, change occures in time with resolution. times and times I was drove by sexual desire from passing beauties, and this time my girls, best in best in my eyes' candy, due to descend and melting me in her boundless wave of ocean of love making. saint moments with baby son also let me sorry in retrospect, for he is so smart and faultless. i pray for more time to serve him for harvest and joy together with God in his universe. I tried to download more small games from web, but he still gamed a lot with his favorite game, worms 3D. his mom refused leaving him alone with me in my dorm, saying baby son yet recovered from recent cold. God, isn't my good time arriving, doesn't the world focus, like Japanese earthquake, Christian crusade diminishing Islam and Russian, pokes itself into world agenda and appeals the presence of Son, Son of the only God and creator of Universe, his decision and save, his brilliance and hardness? God, doesn't my girls broke sieges of enemies of my Empre of China and aligning under my castle that universally evergreen? God, doesn't new life of my Royal, my 2nd son, my 3rd son and other children glad to step in from world hedge? God, I'm ready for a long time for the booming of my family in ur shine, in title of Zhu's. God, bring my girls as well as my new families sooner in sunny summer, lift me into meaningful weighted life experience on the most pivotal stage in the world unites in one. God, see my girls the straight way to my rest room, God, u see.


dreamed of alumni re-gathering.^dreamed of a guy in family name Xu, whose scores in our senior middle school usually quite enviable, in alumni gathering party. another guy, Peng Jinglei, also appeared. yesterday i update my online alumni pages with new photos, and read updates from my once classmates. Its now a bright morning, and I just enjoyed my delicious breakfast. these working week i usually joined old office on time, trying to gain stuff from web. the hard core gay on my facing desk again turned agile, busy on his seat profaning me from time to time, while his companion or mate, the monitor, this moment avoid joining the mud, likely learned from my exit so far since the dispute over office door's openning or closing. yesterday i worked in old office longest, left near 4pm, joined again from 6pm to 8:30pm, aiming prepared baby's weekend visit with more attractive pc games. on way back to dorm, i reviewed the office gay's wrong orientation since his childhood. God urged me to keep alerts among my attitude toward my sons, enabled them all independent and perfect self-possessed. God does not weaken his blessed by uncompleted. the dorm area first time encountered power down, resumed when i reviewed baby son's gaming experience. God, bring baby's dell game notebook sooner, let me enjoy family life with my girls! no matter how i busy with Internet, my empty heart for love brews hot. God, Asoh Yukiko, raise me to my life i deserve, inspire baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, hope of China, God of Universe, with changes under ur shine. God, u know.


saw death itself.^dreamed in dawn. saw ghost of death master jumping to me, while I determined to see through, then woke up in terror. this week i joined the ditched office mostly mornings, usually left in fatigue, likely under the siege of sins there. however all my task list cleared with the convenience of Internet via corporate lan. google's reader still frequently broken, unable to load my subscribed feeds, google account was defied logout but less times after i did it via proxy tool against the surveillance, who likely realtime espionage. i can felt hatred against google gathering weight among dictator elite in PRC, and the elapse of the socialism also speeding up. barking dogs in the office continued their doomed fight, but that's a far distant echo of historical wound. baby's 2nd site, wozon.net, likely finally released, with homepage rewrote, some subdomains, like blog, wiki and forum, nicely settled. last night when i went to fetch baby son, i shown him the works online, he didn't comment, but i know the prize. i reported him my discuss with Taiwan friend on the gift, a dell game notebook as God promised, encouraged him praying for the ready after barrier behind it, surprise in front of it. i also shown his mom, who refused baby leaving her house the night for baby got cold, google maps. its so bright in the end of yesterday, baby son greatly enchanted by 3 new games arrived from web. i saw God's bliss even thick in this sunny dawn. God, bring me my girls and our offspring, bring my son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, Hope of China, God of Universe, his promised gift, a dell game notebook in nearest spring.

From life as it extends
From life as it extends
From homeovie2RoyalChina