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2011年5月23日 星期一

beam in sky: son warrenzh turns 6 years old.


a drizzle to save.^yesterday I had good time with son, warrenzhu 朱楚甲. we gamed a lot and tried new games. baby more or less daunted by the rich of pc games i prepared. at noon he again loathed to eat lunch hurt me, so i angered and taught him a lesson on life and death in sins. when his mom brought him outside, he seldom allowed me to kiss his cheek. i also fixed my financial records with his mom online on Saturday. when i arrived QRRS Dorms, the canteen's assistant chef tentatively shown cold-shoulders to me, let me see hurts among trifle personals or even demons against God's biz my family behold on the world deepened. when i jogged outside, a drizzle brewing and started to glide in air when i close to my dorm. i really felt mercy and save by Asoh Yukiko, God in my Crowned Queen of Royal China from Japan. in the night i played games alone. the neighbor room in QRRS Dorms losing, or felt reinforced by enemy of China Empire in my title, bumped a lot on the thin wall shamelessly, trying to restrain me with alerts of terrors. now this bright morning i returned to my blog space to let life stream floats, to attest God's presence in my family's duty to broaden the only way that saves Chinese dying in sins for half century.
God, yesterday my financial shown I still in debt of ¥800 after 3 months with improved salary, now amount to ¥1816, with which i quite satisfied, but God, i saw threats against my wishlist to equip baby son, warrenzh, owner of site warozhu.com and wozon.net, a dell game desktop no later than year end. God, u see my pleasure and hope in digital arena for future world. grant us the gift and affirmative of change we beholding. God, brings my girls to my new family sooner.


baby's birthday. now he is 6 years old.^yesterday baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 had a happy birthday. at noon i buzzed him if i can visit him earlier than 6pm, for he usually arranged by his mom to have handwriting tutorial after his kindergarten's classes. but baby son told me his lunar birthday on the day. i was so glad to know that, asking if i buy him a cake or KFC food, he told me his mom already bought a cake, i only need to buy him a lighter for candles of the birth day cake. when i arrived, the grandma attending him, while his mom joined her school. we gamed on my notebook soon, till the grandma urged him to join his kindergarten on time. baby murmured he was already allowed to stay at home on celebrating day, but he obied&left. near an hour passed we reunited. i picked him downstairs while the grandma left on the ground. soon his mom returned, we shoot some photos and a home video for baby who in high mood. his mom obviously felt bitter those days and refused to let the happy time stays, instead she busy with her online novels soon. its so nice a day, i treat myself a bottle of juice in QRRS Dorms canteen when i ate my dinner there, near 7:30pm. the bus worktable usually ends near 7pm, so must days when i visiting baby son in his mom's house, i rushed to leave his mom's house, but now i can take bus before 9pm. so great for our pastime with my son, the most glorious on the earth!


benzrad's comment on the day.

China under PRC suffering catastrophe of suicides more than wartime. 窒息的中国社会

the drug of Internet or game is totally a lie. only the dominating class and its dog tried their best to shift common sense aroused by the poor situation nowadays Chinese beset & killing, result in surge of suicides and destructive social behavior as a prelude of chaos and terrorism, in same vector space with turmoil among its western border neighbors, the Islamic Middle East, echoing the appealing force of democratic, esp from US, into trifle&fuss like Internet games as scapegoat. Chinese, esp its youth suffered distortion of value, and meaningless in overt cheats and ruthless human rights infringe for a long time, they lick blade of death or self-destruct as a way to attest the ill Chinese society, but no one adult Chinese brave enough to poke the source of sick in PRC authority nor poisonous Chinese traditional culture, but instead blamed Internet, as a new achievement in human history, attracted growing number of naive youth, who grow universally in God's mercy and brilliance unbiased by worldly dust, including all dictators in dustbin worldwide. China as well as Chinese in its best is to follow Christian worldwide right&since now into global light from YHWH, one anthem in glory of God.

This is a testament from the Son, benzrad, on May 18, 2011, for the coming Empire of China reset for 1109 years ahead under his glorious family title, Zhu, since his grand father, Zhuzhongming, God in Heaven now, from the relay of Chinese last Empire, Ming Dynasty as treasure of his legendary ancestor half millennium ago.


——神子 benzrad 朱子卓 此处见证。

in reference to:
"32岁男子沉迷网游十年离世 临终称真有意思 ugmbbc发布于 2011-05-17 16:51:06|33321 次阅读"
http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/143091.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)


dreamed of my jailbreak.^first dreamed of making water 3 times still felt full. then woke up and made water. dreamed in my dorm receiving a hometown folk's visiting. he, likely Zhu Zhongshu, one of my peers, insisted my accompany to leave the dorm. i felt my girl's calling so traveled with him. then likely a jailbreak through many blocking&hunting and finally descended into a field of growing rape (油菜) in my hometown, Zhudajiu. most of folks, including my parents there celebrating the freedom.


dreamed of baby son.^yesterday Its rained during clouds and sunshine before the night, and the volume likely the largest in the year so far. God help me gained a large toys theme game from web, after heavy harvest since my last blog on Monday. i visited baby with KFC food to thank the fruitful work week near 5pm. we gamed on my notebook while his mom reading novels online. that's all good time can't be more splendid. returned to dorm, i review my satisfaction in music lately. went to bed near 11:30pm. this morning in a hurry to catch the breakfast in canteen, for last night i still felt hungry in the night which a bit cold and consumed more energy. dozed at once after returned the dorm. dreamed baby in his kindergarten out-performed. he made a rap music on his own and sang in front of his classmates and teachers. his parents, and my passed mother watched there, all felt proud. Its cloudy the morning, i felt so meaningful on our future in God's set.


benzrad's comment on the day.

riveryog(朱子卓):Its true for me, my small toe has the twin nails.
搜搜pop团购导航总站:【纯正的汉族人】据说纯正血统的汉人的小脚趾甲是分成两瓣的,其中靠外侧那一瓣比较小。现在你就可以看看,看自己是否是地道纯正的汉族人。 http://163.fm/aw8QxQA 原文转发 来自网易微博

招商银行:一间房窗户破了,没人修补的话,别人就可能受到某些示范性,纵容去打烂更多窗户,久而久之在这种公众麻木不仁氛围中,犯罪就会滋生。生活中小奸小恶行为,需要引起社会重视,并不是小题大做,而是以儆效尤,防范未然。一个"馒头"和一滴"食用油"并不可怕,社会齐聚一心才最无敌。 来自网易微博 原文转发(4)

大大傻逼(dashabi):夏俊峰死了,下一个就是我们:http://163.fm/TihsZaO 来自网易微博 原文转发(6)
大大傻逼(dashabi):【夏俊峰列传】夏俊峰者,奉天人也,家贫,以贩摊为事,徒幸以养父母。是日,遇城管十余人,尽毁其具,并殴之。夏妻跪泣,城管炽愈盛,持械夹立,市行者噤口莫敢言。城管挟夏至私堂,行怨暴之虐,夏若鸿毛燎于碳炉,其势命危矣。遂挺刀自卫,匹夫一怒,血溅五步,伏尸二具。既出,自报官。竟至斩立决。 来自网易微博 原文转发(5)

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From homeovie2RoyalChina


2011年5月12日 星期四

season of summer approaching, in a rain as prelude.


time to return.^Its a cloudy morning after a sallow rain last night. i caught the breakfast which is rich. now i felt had to write something to make this blog complete. the sick office i intended to ditch still let me ill for the sinful souls in it any time desperately challenge me, like China surveillance exerts all over scan and constrain over me. life on this scarred continent dominated by dog, including machine dog. but, after all, God, don't u see my life beaming so bright, my level of satisfaction ever increasing in ur blisses? God, last night u touched me with girl's love, i do missing my girls even urgent. in this rained air from 4th floor, God, i entreat ur bringing me my new family with my girls sooner. that's my beautiful hope in this lovable wet morning.


a busy month puffing for online stuff.^this month i almost absent from my blog sphere. the reason is that i picked up my old hobby, collecting free stuff from web, esp. the shared, for i valued them high and no cause not to harvest while they still available in the spirit of freedom or pirate. everyday ends in elation with what heaps on my hard disk, for they mean happy time, no matter games or readings, under attraction of freedom world, esp from US. its really like a weightless dive, in God's shine.
last night i slept later, reviewing my chat below, God brings me insight in tangles among folks in my past dad's hometown village, Zhudajiu, mostly from a same ancestor, but devils among them drove the lost trying to challenge and defame my old family which so brilliant in its short earthly presence before i witness it vivid. i saw hostile so strong even generations unable shift the acid jealousy. God, u see the strong baring from the stem of Royal of China, and the even boarder world stage for my baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, future world leader every blessed sees. God, road toward glory unbiased straight for my family since my past dad, God in Heaven now. God, in this raining night, i see all bliss since my childhood, i witness the most scenery in the world my dad unveiled to me, in the mountain and its valley. God, the doomed against my Empire of China now even losing, harsher tools from the stolen state power barking desperate, God, u save and only ur word persist in one that untouchable. God, thank the month and today, thank the rain and thunders outside in this darker prelude of summer night.


a chat online via qq with hometown folk, a childhood friend.^ [ 2011-05-10 ]
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benzrad's comment/tweet in days.


no doubt it did so long.

网易科技:创新工场被指一直在"抄袭":点点网是最大样本,点点CEO许朝军回应称先创业再创新更适合中国国情。  http://163.fm/4PkUDaE6  原文评论

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):for the sins in PRC, and most of the survivor&their offspring after civil war as well as sino-Japan war half century ago.
||@杀出个黎明: 转发微博。R罗克:一位英国网友说,他真的不理解中国人,国家级媒体隔三差五就爆出食品安全问题,没有一位高官下台,而且中国人还如此镇定。要是在英国,管食品安全的部长早就主动提职了,首相都会面临弹劾。2011-04-18 17:01 来自 网易微博

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):wonderful! glory to American people once and forever!
||@网易股票 :转发微博。网易新闻:【刺杀拉登视频实时传送 奥巴马白宫屏幕前监看】据外媒报道,当美国海豹突击队在巴基斯坦阿伯塔巴德执行刺杀奥萨马•本•拉登任务时,奥巴马总统也在白宫里目不转睛地盯着屏幕,监看卫星实时传送的视频。http://163.fm/UgjldDC
riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):God, grant me an improved workplace. save my energy from trifle violence ambushed by enemies of my Empire of China.  2011-05-03 08:58 来自 网易微博

From Spring 2011 in a nut
From Spring 2011 in a nut
From homeovie2RoyalChina